Nobel laureate Amartya Sen on Saturday said all non-communal, non-BJP forces should come together for the 2019 Lok Sabha elections and the Left should not hesitate in joining them as “... Read more
A petitioner had sought to know the rules governing extension of security cover to a private individual and the authorities, which foot the bill of such cover to a private individual. Expens... Read more
As per the strategy drawn to corner the government, the Congress will be holding as many as 100 press conferences across the country over a period of time against the government. The Congres... Read more
Supreme Court’s ruling in West Bengal panchayat elections case hands TMC a comprehensive vindication
After months of what we may (for want of a better word) call suspense, the Supreme Court has ruled that the state election commission (SEC) can now notify the seats that were won uncontested... Read more