Ref:- (i)- It was matter of time Russia would use (the anti-West / USA) militant-Jihadi-Muslims in Ukraine war (ii)- Before using nukes (as formally threatened by Russia) Putin would prefer to use militant-Islamist-Jihadis to shake the West / USA by exploiting weak points of US-allies Israel & India (the Palestine & Kashmir issues) (iii)- Beleaguered Imran (due to no-confidence motion against him) for saving his office may go to any extent to exploit Kashmir issue (iv)- Frustration of Taliban due to no-recognition of its Govt in Afghanistan may provide many Jihadis to Russia (v)- Next week the OIC meeting in Pakistan will be crucial in deciding the fate of Ukraine war
– China (due to it’s cold war with the West led by the USA) would of-course not go against Russia about the Ukraine war despite ‘Central Intelligence Agency’ Director William Burn’s observation during US Congress Committee briefing that – “[I do believe that the Chinese leadership, President Xi (Jinping) in particular, is unsettled by what he’s seen (in Ukraine) partly because his own intelligence doesn’t appear to have told him what was going to happen in Ukraine]”. At the same time China is finding it difficult to support Russia beyond a point due to the bad-press Russia is getting about the Ukraine war. Hence it was only a matter of time that Russia would commission (on its side in the Ukraine war) the Muslim world which can provide to Russia in Ukraine, the crucial lives & blood through militant Jihadis. Russia has done this by deploying tens of thousands of Jihadis (with unlimited supply of Jihadis in future) in Ukraine war (as reported at
The way the West led by the USA (despite Budapest Memorandum) is conducting the war in Ukraine, it is evident that it is trying to convert Ukraine as another Afghanistan of the eighties where the USSR was defeated. But the West / USA is not trying to understand that those were not merely missionaries but Jihadis who’s Islamist fervor was the crucial factor in the defeat of the USSR in Afghanistan in eighties. Lots of water has flown since the 1980s and now the militant Jihadis do not want to give their lives & shed their blood for the West. Rather now the militant Jihadis from all over the world would gladly give their lives and blood for Russia if it helps them in solving two chronic & gory problems which have been agitating the minds of the entire Islamic world namely Palestine and Kashmir problems. It is precisely here that the real problem lies for the USA because before using nukes (as formally threatened by Russia) Putin would prefer to use militant-Islamist-Jihadis to shake the USA by exploiting weak points of US-allies Israel & India (through Palestine & Kashmir issues).
Of-course (despite QUAD) Israel is more important to the USA than India because Jewish lobby is formidable in the USA due its influence through global capital and it is very easy for Russia to mobilize the Muslim world against Israel through Palestine issue. For this Russia has to do only two things :-
(i)- Russia need not go for any overt military action in the first stage and instead has to merely discard two-State solution and has to merely ask Iran (leader of Shia – Muslim world who has consistently sworn against Israel due to Palestine issue) and Pakistan [the most important Sunni-Muslim nuclear country of about 220 million people with strong military and prepared to do any thing for Russia if gets assurance that Russia would (even militarily) help Pakistan in getting Kashmir] to mobilize the entire Muslim world which would then ask the Palestinians (living in other countries than Israel as refugees or otherwise) to march towards and in Israel to live over there as citizens of one-State of Israel-Palestine.
(ii)- In second Stage if Israel or the West led by the USA put any obstacle (military or otherwise) then Russia can easily provide military assistance to the leader of Shias (Iran) & the leader of Sunnis (Pakistan) to achieve the said one-State solution of Israel-Palestine
As far as India is concerned, a time will come very soon when Russia would ask India ‘whether you are with us or with the West led by the USA’? Of-course (as its wont) India will remain ‘non-aligned’ (an euphemism for non-committal) which would give Russia sufficient excuse to take any military action directly or through its allies Pakistan (about J&K) and even China (about is territorial claims on Ladakh & Arunachal Pradesh which China would gladly rake-up, also to teach India a ‘lesson’ due to India’s membership of QUAD, which despite India’s denial China considers it as anti-China forum).
In view of the above mentioned, the coming meeting of the Islamic world (through the 48th session of the ‘OIC Council of Foreign Ministers’ which will be hosted in Islamabad, Pakistan on March 22 and 23) will be very important.
Also the development in Pakistan in coming days will also be crucial in this matter for the simple reason that beleaguered Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan (due to no-confidence motion against him) in order to save his office may go to any extent to exploit the Kashmir issue which still has immense potential of mobilizing entire Pakistan against its arch enemy India. In this project Imran can always count on the militant Jihadis of Afghanistan (including Taliban which is already angry due to non-recognition of its government in Afghanistan by the world community).
For Pakistan it is easy to rally the entire Sunni-Muslim world because its former Army Chief General Raheel Sharif has been heading the ‘Sunni-NATO’ sponsored by Saudi Arabia (as mentioned at
Therefore, how the West led by the USA will tackle the emerging highly likely situation of militant-Islamist-Jihadis siding this time with Russia (in contrast to against USSR in eighties) will be watched with great concern by entire world and especially by US-Allies Israel & India.

Hem Raj Jain