It has been said in the media through many articles (one such as mentioned at https://www.
pakistanchristianpost.com/ opinion-details/3568 ) that – “[(At intro) – Religion is supposed to be custodian of the values of the society. Hence it is expected that Christianity (which is the religion of the overwhelming majority in the USA) will come forward (especially when all other elements of the establishment have failed the USA) to uphold the values and vital interests of the people of the USA
But the dereliction of the US-Christianity is on two counts about a very serious matter:-
(i)- Failure of the US-Christianity about ensuring thorough investigation of Coronavirus by the UN ( as mentioned at S.No 1 of https://chauthiduniya.com/in-
address-to-congress-biden- unconvincing-about-china-and- other-foreign-policies/ that – “[About China, Biden is not convincing because like Trump-administration the Biden-administration is also afraid of taking any action against China about Coronavirus. The leader of the free world, the USA is supposed to move the UN to investigate whether Coronavirus is natural or manmade. If later, then which laboratory made it and then fix the responsibility of countries which caused the spread of this virus in the rest of the world by their acts of commission or omission. Then establish protocol & SOP for such laboratories world over under the UN regime so that this does not happen again in future because the survival and normal life of the entire mankind is at stake. If China or other countries oppose this investigation by using Veto then the USA should launch another world body (by dissolving the UN or otherwise) as the USA did after World War II when it dissolved ‘League of Nations’ at Geneva, Switzerland and launched the ‘United Nations’ on the soil of the USA at New York]”. (ii)- About what was said at S.No. (4) of said PCP article that – “[Would Trump clarify that this anomaly in cases and deaths in the USA and in other countries {than Europe (except Iran due to specific reasons), the exception which proves the rule} may be due to the reason that Western world (the USA & Europe) on one side and China (and may be some other) on other side are engaged in Biological warfare in which China has won? This Biological warfare is alleged by Dr. Francis Boyle, who drafted the Biological Weapons Act who has given a detailed statement admitting that the 2019 Wuhan Coronavirus is an offensive Biological Warfare Weapon and that the World Health Organization (WHO) already knows about it. As reported at http://www.just-international.
org/articles/dr-francis-boyle- creator-of-bioweapons-act- says-coronavirus-is- biological-warfare-weapon/ ]” But now what Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland told the US – Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Tuesday (as reported at
washingtonexaminer.com/policy/ defense-national-security/us- looks-to-keep-ukrainian- biological-research- facilities-from-russian- control ) this tantamount to admitting that the West led by the USA has been engaged in developing biological weapons on the soil of Ukraine (which borders two arch rivals of the West namely Russia which shares a border with Ukraine and China which is in geographical continuity with Russia, hence both are geographically accessible from Ukraine). Now the USA is allegedly worried (as revealed in this Senate Committee) that these biological weapons of NATO at Ukraine may be used by Russia. Especially when Russia is engaged in a fight-to-finish war in Ukraine where Russia has already threatened to use the nukes for achieving its objectives hence Russia will not think twice before using biological weapons too, for realizing its objectives. This proves what is said above in my article that -”[it is evident that Western world (the USA & Europe) on one side and China (and maybe some other) on the other side are engaged in Biological warfare in which China has won]”. It is like 1963 when Cuba wanted to kill Prez Kennedy and USA wanted to kill Castro (as mentioned at https://www.independent.co.uk/
news/world/americas/us- politics/cia-fidel-castro-jfk- assassination-attempt-poison- pen-a8047096.html and in some books written in the USA), in which Cuba succeeded. In both cases (in 1963 and in on-going Corona pandemic matter) democracies remained ‘lethargic’ and communist regimes proved to be smart. At the same time the US-Christianity should not take it as merely a conspiracy theory that India also (knowingly or unknowingly) may be complicit in spreading on-going Corona pandemic all across the world. It is surprising that the world’s largest democracy India didn’t ask / press for such thorough UN-investigation into Corona pandemic matter though India suffered immensely due to Covid & its variant pandemic. The government of India in 2020 ordered an inquiry into a study conducted in Nagaland by researchers from the U.S., China and India on bats and humans carrying antibodies to deadly viruses (as reported at
national/study-on-bats-and- bat-hunters-of-nagaland-come- under-the-scanner/ article61635549.ece ) but GoI neither pressed for such thorough UN-investigation nor made public the result of this 2020 investigation. It is quite possible that the government of India has come under the coercive influence of China to hush-up the matter. Therefore US-Christianity should move the Christianity (which is practiced by most of the people in Nagaland and in other neighboring India States of the North East) in India to mobilize the government of India, Indian Parliament and Indian politicians of the States and of the center for demanding such thorough UN-investigation in Coronavirus matter in particular and about biological weapons in general. The US-Christianity should come into the picture and take the lead otherwise the entire human civilization (which is the responsibility of the leader of the free world the USA hence of the US-Christianity too) may be killed like insects by biological warfare (Due to Corona-virus and its variants already about 1 million have been killed in the USA and about 6 million have been killed world wide as reported at covid desths in usa and world – Google Search ). Therefore the US-Christianity should constrain the US- Administration and US-Congress to ensure that :-
(1)- An UN Commission is constituted which will thoroughly investigate whether Coronavirus is natural or manmade. If later, then which laboratory made it and then fix the responsibility of countries which caused the spread of this virus in the rest of the world by their acts of commission or omission.
(2)- The UN establishes protocol & SOP (like for non-proliferation of nukes) for such biological laboratories world over under the UN regime so that pandemics do not happen again in future.
(3)- If China or other countries oppose this investigation by using Veto then the USA should launch another world body (by dissolving the UN or otherwise) as the USA did after World War II when it dissolved ‘League of Nations’ at Geneva, Switzerland and launched the ‘United Nations’ on the soil of the USA at New York.
It is hoped that the US-Christianity (which is getting huge wealth & respect from the people of the USA) will show concern for the welfare (even survival) of the people of the USA and even of the entire world (because the USA is the leader of the free world / UN) and will ensure that the US-Administration and US-Congress take proper action to move the UN to effectively eliminate the menace of biological weapons of mass destruction (the WMDs) from the minds of the entire mankind.
Hem Raj Jain