A day after BJP president Amit Shah wrote to the Law Commission of India in favour of ‘One Nation, One Poll’, Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) OP Rawat said on Tuesday that holding 11 Assembly polls simultaneously with Lok Sabha elections would not be possible.
According to CNN-News18, Rawat said that there are not enough VVPAT machines for simultaneous polls. The Law Commission is set to present a report on the issue by the end of August.
#EXCLUSIVE— CEC OP Rawat contradicts BJP on #OneNationOnePoll, says '11 assembly polls with LS polls not possible'. pic.twitter.com/5bz3LcPSA5
— News18 (@CNNnews18) August 14, 2018
Also speaking to CNN-News18, former CEC SY Quraishi said that the One Nation, One Poll plan needs a “very strong ground”, and that it cannot be taken lightly. He also said that the postponement of polls is not possible.
#EXCLUSIVE — 'The number of machines for VVPAT are not enough, and for #OneNationOnePoll there has to be very strong ground, it cannot be taken lightly. The postponement of polls is not possible', former CEC @DrSYQuraishi tells CNN-News18 pic.twitter.com/WfJb3PmfCt
— News18 (@CNNnews18) August 14, 2018
News18 reported that Rawat said that if the government wants simultaneous elections be held then a decision on ordering more VVPAT machines will have to be taken in a month or two. “There are not enough VVPAT machines to conduct 11 state elections simultaneously with Lok Sabha polls in 2019. If such a thing is to be attempted, more VVPAT machines will have to be ordered and a decision in this regard will have to be taken in a month or two,” said Rawat.
source; Firstpost.com