President Joe Biden’s pledge on Thursday for an additional $1.3 billion for new weapons and economic assistance to help Ukraine against the Russian invasion (
(1)- The solution to Ukraine crisis doesn’t lie merely in monetary aid or arms, ammunition to Ukraine as is evident from the fact that though Biden on Thursday promised to seek much more from Congress to keep the guns, ammunition and cash flowing and Thursday’s aid has raised the total U.S. economic support to $1 billion since Russia’s invasion but Ukrainian President Zelensky said his nation needs ever more – up to $7 billion each month (which is bound to increase with every day if Russia is not stopped militarily by the free world). Biden obviously doesn’t want to admit that what Ukraine really needs is military intervention by the USA to protect Ukraine against Russian invasion.
(2)- On the contrary, Biden on Thursday said the Russian president is betting that “Western unity will crack and once again we’re going to prove him wrong”. This is meaningless because there is no western unity over military support to Ukraine and whatever the West led by the USA is giving to Ukraine doesn’t solve the problem. In other words, the patient (Ukraine) needs surgery (martial help) but the West led by the USA is giving merely ineffective medicines (civilian help). This is because of the cowardice of the USA due to Europe as explained below.
(3)- Russia said on Wednesday it had conducted a first test (at a moment of extreme geopolitical tension over the war in Ukraine) launch of its Sarmat intercontinental ballistic missile, which President Putin said would make Moscow’s enemies stop and think, as mentioned at:-
(4)- The leader of the free world the USA (which sponsored the UN at US-soil) is merely giving lip service and providing meaningless arms & ammunition to Ukraine but practically doing nothing for the protection of sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and human rights in Ukraine (against Russian invasion) despite ‘Budapest Memorandum 1994’ (where 1900 nuclear warheads were snatched from Ukraine by the USA and given to Russia for ‘disassembly’). Could Russia dare to invade Ukraine if these 1900 nuclear warheads were with Ukraine?
(5)- The USA should know that it snatched 1900 nuclear warheads from Ukraine in the name of denuclearization but didn’t show sincerity towards denuclearization as is evident from the fact that the USA in these 28 years not only didn’t eliminate nukes of 5 veto wielding permanent members of the UN (namely USA, Russia, China, France and UK) but also allowed Israel, India and Pakistan to develop & have nukes. Therefore now when Ukraine is invaded by Russia it is the responsibility of the USA to protect Ukraine even if there is a danger of nuclear flare-up by Russia. Because even if a nuclear war takes place between the USA & allies against Russia & allies over Ukraine, let everyone suffer instead of Ukraine which is presently suffering alone due to said lack of seriousness on the part of the UN and P-5.
(6)- One reason why the USA is not in a position to muster enough courage to take-on Russia for militarily protecting Ukraine is that in case of nuclear flare-up Russia will destroy neighboring Europe and Europe (the support base of the USA in NATO) knows that in case of nuclear war the USA (being distant from Russia) will suffer negligibly as compared to Europe. Hence Europe is not coming forward to help & assist the USA militarily in protecting Ukraine against Russian invasion.
(7)- But this is not a matter which is exclusively between the USA, Europe and Russia. The USA has been leading the global political order (which has become inevitable due to the fast globalizing world in this age of unprecedented progress of modern science & technology especially in IT – sector) through the UN (which it sponsored in 1945 with its head office on US soil). Has the USA ever thought that now when Russia has destroyed this global political order by invading Ukraine, what would happen to 193 member countries of the UN, especially the smaller ones which (on their own) can’t protect their sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and human rights ? Ukraine too is much smaller as compared to the military might of invading Russia.
(8)- If Russia (after destroying the existing global political order) was prepared to establish an alternate global political order, then the rest of the world would have accepted the leadership of Russia but Russia is not doing it. Hence it is the responsibility of the entire world to support the USA in protecting the existing global political order by militarily protecting the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and human rights of Ukraine. In this Ukraine-mission the SAARC region, which has also benefited from the existing global political order (of about 2 billion people and having two nuclear countries,) should take the major initiative to assist the USA in protecting Ukraine militarily.
(9)- But the main larger countries of SAARC (namely India, Pakistan and Bangladesh) would not come forward easily because they are having British Indians in majority who have never understood the importance of military power for achieving peace, prosperity and justice. But Prez Biden can easily rope – in the entire SAARC region for this Ukraine – mission, if the USA FIRST try to carve out ‘independent, sovereign, secular federation’ of about 600 Princely States of India where the people of about 600 princely States of India would work (i)- First for ‘independent, sovereign, secular federation’ of about 600 Princely States of India ( through respective Supreme Courts for ‘dual citizenship’ for illegally & forcibly displaced) and then (ii)- For the realization of ‘Federation of Secular Democratic SAARC’ through the UN (with the support of the USA), as mentioned at:-
(10)- At the same time SAARC countries (after getting thus consolidated which in addition to solving the problem of Ukraine would solve the problems also of J&K, Afghanistan / Durand Line, Balochistan etc) can take formal promise from the USA & its Ukraine – mission-allies that after Ukraine crisis is over, a new ‘participatory global political order’ would replace the present veto-giving (to 5 countries) global political order of the UN .
Therefore Prez Biden should give-up unnecessary & unbecoming cowardice before Russian nuclear blackmail and instead by first militarily taking with the USA about 600 princely States of India (and then ultimately entire SAARC which will bring NATO etc too with the USA, militarily) should militarily protect Ukraine (which alone should not be allowed to suffer in contemporary global political order). Prez Biden, a devout Christian, should also take heart from the fact that ‘poora Hindustan khali nahi hua hai, abhi bhi Digambars hain’ (entire India has not become empty rather ‘Digambars’ are still there)

Hem Raj Jain