The USA will have to urgently adopt the carrot & stick approach (through UN or NATO or otherwise) at least about 6 elements of ‘liberal Western democracy’ namely inner party & national democracy, right-to-protest, secularism, rule-of-law, referendum on crucial issues and plebiscite on territorial issues.
During last one month whatever has happened in mini-SAARC region of 1.9 billion people (of India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Afghanistan) should be enough to wake-up the USA which is engaged in a fight to finish in the on-going ‘Cold War – II’ of ‘liberal Western democracy’ led by the USA against ‘authoritarian Chinese democracy’. It is hoped the USA will learn lessons from Afghanistan where democracy was lost despite US-presence of 20 years (where after coming to power of Taliban on August 15, 2021 the ISIS-KP has reportedly carried out attacks at various places in Afghanistan on August 26, September 18, 22 October 3, 6, 8, 15 and November 2 in which 349 were killed and 457 injured . It is neither desirable nor possible to intervene in every internal matter of the countries but in cold war II between ‘liberal Western democracy’ led by the USA against ‘authoritarian Chinese democracy’ the USA stands no chance of success if it doesn’t develop a global mechanism (based on carrot & stick) which will ensure some crucial elements of democracy in democratic countries . Subject mentioned six (out of many) such elements are explained below:-
(1)- For strengthening the inner party & national democracy, there should be periodic organizational elections. If party members elect children of main leaders there is nothing wrong but it should not be automatic because it may be fatally harmful for democracy as happened in Pakistan with ‘Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan’. The TLP chief (who inherited party position without proper party elections) has allowed agitation every 5-6 months (after November 2020 TLP agreement with Govt) in a way where each time tens of party members have been killed & injured (along with security forces killed & injured) and thus brought TLP on the verge of being banned by the Govt. As far as national democracy the elections in the country should be in person by ballot paper and counting by hands without machines ( the USA knows more than any other democratic country that it is necessary to avoid unnecessary controversy about credibility of elections as happened in 2020 elections in the USA).
(2)- The serious problems about ‘right to protest’ have been witnessed in democratic India & Pakistan (as given below) where many are unnecessarily killed and injured for the simple reason that the governments have failed to provide administrative arrangement and police protection to any demonstration, march, dharna (sit-in) after protesters seek permission for these from the relevant authorities :-
(i)- In India (A)- on October 3, 2021 the killing of four and injuring many more farmers (who were returning from a protest-demonstration in support of farmer’s demand) allegedly by a leader of ruling party BJP by intentionally mowing down these victims by car in Lakhimpur Khiri of the State of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.) resulted in four others killed by agitating farmers in retaliation as
(ii)- In Pakistan the government illegally denied permission & facilities to protesting TLP and instead resorted to oppression on TLP which resulted in loss of lives and injuries to the TLP members and security forces . Moreover instead of providing safe passage for TLP marchers to and Dharna site at Pak’s capital Islamabad the Pak Govt, its para-military forces, the rangers, (as
(3)- As far as secularism is concerned India is at least constitutionally (de-jure) secular (though de-facto compromised due to damage to rule-of-law and through partial legislations in favor of Hindus only like cow-protection, reservation not to Muslims but in the name of backwards to even those castes of Hindu order which recently ruled in India). Bangladesh constitution says that it is secular but the mention at its start of – [BISMILLAH-AR-RAHMAN-AR-RAHIM (In the name of Allah, the Beneficient, the Merciful) / In the name of the Creator, the Merciful.] – is enough to arouse communal poison as was witnessed during anti-Hindu violence since October 14 as
(4)- How the destruction of rule-of-law can communally poison the entire country is evident from the way the Babri-Masjid case has been disposed of by the Supreme Court of India (SCI). Hence the USA should encourage the Indian Muslims to file petition in the SCI under article 142 of the Constitution for complete justice for (before any final judgement) the restoration of legally expected status-quo-ante of Babri-Masjid (which was demolished in 1992 in presence of the observer of SCI itself) by mentioning in this petition that otherwise it will be criminal contempt of court by the SCI itself for lowering the authority of the court under section 2 (c ) (i) read with section 16 of the ‘Contempt of Court Act’.
(5)- The USA should also ensure that the crucial issues which agitate the minds of almost the entire country are not left to Parliament but referendums are carried out for these. The situation in Pakistan can be improved by one such referendum. In a referendum the main demand of the TLP (expulsion of French diplomats) will be opposed by the overwhelming majority of Pakistan (because they don’t want further deterioration in the already dismal economic situation in Pakistan). Hence if the USA succeeds in getting such a referendum carried out then it will put Pakistan of 220 million people, on the path of becoming constitutionally a secular country, which will have a salutary effect in the region hence will go a long way in getting the Indian subcontinent of 1.9 Billion people rid-of communal poison and which will be the major factor in making ‘liberal Western democracy’ successful in cold war II.
(6)- The border disputes are unnecessarily putting huge financial burden on India and Pakistan therefore the USA should ensure:-
(i)- Plebiscite in united J&K [by getting united J&K free from outsiders] as mandated by 1947 ‘Instrument of Accession’ (IoA) of J&K to India, in addition to as per 1948 UN resolution.
(ii)- Plebiscite in Balochistan too (who’s IoA was taken in 1948 by Pakistan under military pressure despite contrary resolution by Parliament / Jirga of Balochistan).
(iii)- Unlike Indo-Pak border / territorial dispute which is political, the Indo-China border / territorial dispute is legal hence it can easily be resolved by referring it to ‘UN Judicial Commission’ (which China, being a permanent member of the UN, shouldn’t be allowed, by the USA, to refuse).

Hem Raj Jain (Author of ‘Betrayal of Americanism’) Shakopee, MN, USA